
Thursday, August 5th 2010
Lecture 2- Cine Speak

This week's lecture was about Çine-speak'or 'learning language of the cinema'(nicholas 2010).This concept relates to what story or narrative we can tell from a shot without writing in words. This adds so much extra to a story by simply using the right camera angles and shots at the right time. To portray each emotion, feeling or gesture, certain shots and angles are important so that the audience can understand each gesture.

As the tute spark for this week was to create a 30-shot short film in groups of two or three, we tried to use as many variations of camera angles as we possibly could. Our topic was called 'Waiting for romance'. Certain angles were used to show Kylie, ( the girl waiting for romance) emotions and gestures. Close- up shots were used to show 'who', which was Kylie. We also used a long shot to show where Kylie was, which was in her house, bedroom or garden.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Creating a short video to display on Youtube

This week we had two tasks in New Communication Technology. The second task was designed to show students how quickly and easily you can collect data and display it to a wide audience in a very short time span.
Our group, which included myself and Kylie were given the topic title ' Waiting for romance'. This short film was to be shot in 30 shots, using the shots we learned in the lecture.

VLS/WS: Very LS/Wide
LS: Long Shot
MLS: Medium LS
MS: Mid Shot
MCU: Medium CU
CU: Close Up
ECU: Extreme CU


Kylie and I took the 30 shots at her house and created our story fairly quickly. Quirky shots were taken, using each different shot learned in the lecture. Using an slr camera made things very easy and fun. After taking the photos, they were sequenced and put together to make the final story. Music was added to create the mood and effects of the story to show our audience. Once the film was sequenced and music was added, the final stage was to upload it onto youtube. The results can be seen below.
Waiting for Romance

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