
Monday August 2nd 2010

Monday, August 2nd 2010

Lecture Review 1.

  Old Communication Technology vs. New Communication Technology

As New Communication Technology was all very new to me, I had no idea on what to expect for the subject in my second semester. It was my very first lecture and tute for the semester, so it was all very exciting. Josh and Jules were going to be teaching the core subject for Communications students. They both seemed quirky and really into technology. As each week continues for the subject, students are required to complete a lecture review and a tute spark, which is basically a given question or activity to complete on a blog we created in the beginning of the course. As I really enjoy being creative, I preffered to complete a subject in this manner as it has a certain degree of freedom and creativity.

The lecture today was an insight into the concept of technology and Communication Technology. The lecture also distinguished between 'Old Technology' vs. 'New Technology.' Josh defined the concept of technology as 'The scientific study of mechanical arts and their application to the world.' Communication technology is really about the use and source of commuicating with others, via internet, mobile's and networks.

Our Tute*Spark this week is:

How do we distinguish between old and new communication technologies? Under what circumstances will new communication technologies become old communication technologies?

Old Communication Technologies:

Here are a few images to portray the 'Old Communication Technologies'

New Communication Technologies:

Here are a few images to portray 'New Communication Technolgies'

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