
Week 9
Tutorial task and Tutespark
Planning essay.
Why is privacy such a contentious issue for internet users? Discuss with reference to at least ONE social network service (or other web2.0 service).

I have chosen to research this chosen topic, as I have always wondered about the privacy on social networking sites, which I myself use daily. For this topic, I am going to research privacy information on the internet. I will also be looking at social networking sites, Facebook in particular. I will do research into typing anyone's name in the search engine of Facebook and discovering whether or not you can access that person's information, photos and wall posts.

I will also look deeply into Facebook's privacy terms and conditions to see how many sections of your profile can anyone around the world see.

Facebook has many account settings, which I will research. 

In just a few weeks, i will be posting my final essay for 1501HUM New Communication Technologies.

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